In Todays mail I received no less than three credit card offers from companies. One of them is a company whose card I have already, and am late a payment on.
What I would like to know is, if the companies can easily pre-screen me, and could easily know that I am overextended, then why do they send me these things?
Ok, maybe I know the answer. I have been learning about it for awhile now. The credit card companies simpy want to keep me in debt. They give me cards, and keep raising the credit limit. Other companies do the same. Then at some point I reach a limit and miss a payment. Immediately there are late fees, and the interest rate skyrockets. Suddenly I owe more, and in a much more immediate way. But still there are other companies who see this and STILL want to pounce.
Ok, I agree, yes, I got myself in this mess. But isnt it interesting that when hardship arises, and a moment of financial truth hits, the companies just make it harder for me to pay it off, as opposed to having some kind of grace period or leniency and a decent amount of customer sevrice and help?
I cannot wait until the day that I am free of these companies.